What I am up to lately

What I am up to lately

What I am up to…


I really enjoyed preaching the gospel last Sunday and am looking forward to preaching it again this coming Sunday. What I am enjoying, perhaps most of all, is meditating on the gospel during the week. The more convinced I am of my need of the gospel .. the more convincing my gospel preaching will be.


I am still working on my Doctorate of Ministry in expository preaching from the Southern Baptist Theological Seminary. My final doctoral work is a five chapter project. I have three down and am writing the fourth.

The subject of my work is the art of combining interpretation that is accurate with application that is relevant in preaching the Word.

Since it is a professional degree (D Min not Ph D) I need to apply my research in my current workplace. To fulfill this requirement I will teach a Firm Foundations class in January and February covering much of this material. The class will be designed to help anyone who teaches the Word (or wants to become a more discerning listener).


Doing a lot of pre-reading to prepare for my next sermon series which will start in February. I am reading every good thing I can get my hands on about Jesus. I am trying to get to the heart of His love and compassion for us.


I recently read an article with this definition of spiritual leadership. I like it a lot. If you want to pray for me, use this description and pray that I will faithfully fulfill each element.

A Christian leader serves God and His people by exemplifying godly character and conduct; by communicating God’s Word to everyone with wisdom and love; by excelling in vocational responsibilities; by uniting, equipping and inspiring God’s people for worship and works of service; and by preparing them for eternal life.”