Since Wayne had the pulpit yesterday I was able to …
Help Randy S. get about a dozen 4 and 5 year old boys into and out of the bathroom after playground time and before snack time. Talk about working hard! That was the craziest, hardest, most exhausting thing I have done at church in a long time.
See how Steve H. brought in a huge tent and had the crosswalk kids set it up as he was teaching them about the feast of tabernacles.
Linda R. showed me (and had the fifth grade sing for me) a little bit of the music they will be preparing for Christmas this year. It sounded great.
Poked my head in and saw Paul A. leading Wayne’s ABF. I praise God for Paul and AJ as I see God’s love working in and through them.
I checked toddlers into and out of the nursery as I just happened to be standing at that desk in between services. I have no idea what any of the numbers or wristbands or papers mean. I just faked it and found that people naturally trusted me. I am certain I compromised our entire security system. I sure hope everybody got their own kid.
It was great to see Pat B. singing up front with the worship team.
Someone brought baked bars and left them in the music room. They were topped with melted marshmallows. Wow. Strangely, I found myself back in the music room three or four times during the course of the morning working my way through the platter.
When I helped on the playground I had a unique conversation with Taryn bowers while she was rocking on the little Zebra ride. Taryn told me “My parents bought a new house. But it is in another country. So we have to wait for them to bring it to our house so that we can live in the new house.” I confess I did grow a little anxious. What does this mean? Have Darien and Libby accepted a call to a foreign field without talking to me about it?
I helped Sue S. do Bible time with the toddlers. I had two little guys sitting with me. The one on my right accidentally ripped a page of his Bible. He said woops and handed me the ripped page. The little guy on my left witnessed this, looked at his Bible, looked at me, ripped a page out his Bible and handed it to me with a smile. Apparently, he thinks this is a required part of Bible time.