Yesterday’s Highlights

Yesterday’s Highlights

I really enjoyed preaching with Darien. I only hope you enjoyed it as much as I did. I spoke with several people (before hand) who said “That is a weird idea…” or something to that effect. But I felt like preaching the message together worked for that day and that topic.

This happened in the middle of second service. I saw Nick W. right when I said, “Some of you don’t need to worry about your hair sticking up in the back.” I mean the split-second the words left my mouth the entire sanctuary faded from view and all I could see was Nick sitting on the end of the second row, staring straight at me! It was one of those moments when I had to reel in my own laughter so that I could keep going.

Remembering, on the home-going of Ben Stewart, that eighty some years ago sweet church ladies helped a little tike named Ben in the RBC nursery.

Shaking hands and reflecting with Merrill, who shipped out for the War on the same boat with Ben back in 1941.

We tackled the doctrinal statement in membership class last night. Everyone’s assignment was to read the doctrinal statement and come to class with any questions they might have. We asked and answered more questions that I can remember. Here are a few:

What does inspiration mean?

Is Satan only in one place at a time? How powerful is he?

What is the proper age for a child to be baptized?

What about speaking in tongues?

What does it mean that RBC is pre-tribulational in teaching? Why does this matter?

What does it man that RBC is pre-millenial in teaching? Why does this matter?

What do we mean when we say “Salvation by grace alone through faith alone?”