A Top 10 Divided in 2

A Top 10 Divided in 2

Top Five from Sunday Morning

Michelle, Alline, 2 Katelyns, and Carly singing Mary’s Magnificat.

“Adore the love of the Father who bid so high for your souls that He would send His Son!” John Flavel

Singing “Come praise and glorify our God the Father of our Lord / In Christ he has in heavenly realms His blessings on us poured.”

The testimony of Sue Cabush “You know, I think I can honestly say that we never got angry at God or questioned Him. We just knew that He knew and that He is sovereign and that He is good.”

Hebrews 12:25 See that you do not refuse Him who speaks.

Top Five from Sunday Evening RBC Church Potluck

Whoever made the salad with grapes and marshmallow cream in it. I love you.

I was sitting with Steve, Jim and Dean all of whom have 3G smartphones. One table over sat the Purdy family who have 4G. It was just like the commercial. Bryn and Luann would whoop and holler about the Packer game and then … 20 seconds later … the phones on our table would tell us what happened.

I know that Judy A. makes a fantastic dish with chicken, broccoli, cheese & crunchy croutons in it. And I know that Judy was out of town this weekend. And I know that I ate that dish at the potluck. How did this happen? Casserole frozen and donated ahead of time? A borrowed recipe? Has Judy been mentoring and discipleship in the kitchen? Or was this an illegally obtained, boot-legged knock-off?

Singing “And ye, beneath life’s crushing load / Whose forms are bending low, Who toil along the climbing way / With painful steps and slow,
Look now! for glad and golden hours / come swiftly on the wing. O rest beside the weary road, / And hear the angels sing!”

Remembering the body and blood of our incarnate Lord with the bread and the cup and the gathered church.