an update

an update

The stained glass is installed in the worship center. It looks great. I love the bright colors. One window is an open Bible beside an Alpha and Omega symbol. The other window has three crosses. The glass artist constructed it in Colorado, drove it here himself and installed it with some help from the Brusko brothers.

Invite someone this Sunday. We printed up invitations for this week and the 11th and 18th. Each week the service will include a testimony from a church member about what the Lord has done in their life. We are praying that this will have a unique impact on visitors who need to taste and see that the Lord is good.

Join us this Sunday evening for a fellowship meal and communion. You do not want to miss this chance to attend a huge potluck supper and enjoy true Christian fellowship.

My graduation ceremony at Southern Theological Seminary is a week from Friday. I will receive the Doctor of Ministry Degree in Expository Preaching. If you want to watch it will be livestreamed at at 10am EST. Albert Mohler will give the address. If you hear someone hollering when they call my name I wish to place blame ahead of time on Amy, my dad and John Anderson.

One Christmas thought from John Flavel – Hence we see, to what a height God intends to build up the happiness of man, in that he hath laid the foundation thereof so deep, in the incarnation of his own Son. They that intend to build high, lay the foundation low.