Spencer DeBlog (Page 118)

Spencer DeBlog (Page 118)

What drives direction?

I read an important point this morning about doctrinal discernment in the church. In our day deception has become all the easier to arrange because so many Christians are no longer greatly shaped by Scripture. It is difficult to unmask subtle e…

2 much tech

This is from an article by Christian writer Owen Strachan. If you are reading this via the internet on a computer monitor you need to heed its message. Have you thought deeply about the changes the technological impetus has wrought? Many of us are s…

A word to the worrier

Worried about something? Are you in a situation that seems about to sink you? Here is a word to every worrier from Charles Spurgeon: “Our wonderful variety of wants is met by His wonderful variety of excellencies.” I like that! It…

More from School

So we did take a couple of days off after class ended. First we enjoyed Louisville, then we stayed with good friends in Indianapolis. A few more thoughts to share from my class: A simple definition – Expository prea…

School Pictures!

I feel just like a kid running home from school. “Mom… we got our class pictures today!” My doctoral cohort spent the day with Dr. Mohler on Friday. That man is crazy smart. I podcast his radio show and always learn something new. My best bu…

Swimming Pool Preaching

Challenging week of classes down here in Louisville. One fellow in class gave an insightful description of expository preaching and swimming pools: In some preaching the text of Scripture is like a diving board. You bounce on it once or twice but…

Proverbs 19

So this morning I was reading the Proverb for the day. In a chapter filled with great wisdom, this one stood up and grabbed me. Verse 27 Cease listening to instruction, my son, And you will stray from the words of knowledge. What a wa…

Nathaniel Hawthorne

I just finished Nathaniel Hawthorne’s The Birthmark. I am pretty sure I had to read it in school sometime but this time did so for the sheer pleasure of it. The short story is an arresting allegory that works on a number of levels. Here Haw…

The Skate Park

I cannot be absolutely certain, but I am pretty sure that this is a first for Racine Bible Church. The sermon for Sunday was written at the skate park. Monday morning the boys asked if I would take them. I grabbed my Bible, my folder of study note…

Sunday Night

Shepherding Groups meet this Sunday night. I encourage you to participate. If you have never been to one – call our office or ask at the information desk on Sunday and we will give you an invitation and directions. One probably meets pretty close t…