Spencer DeBlog (Page 119)

Spencer DeBlog (Page 119)

Why One Way One More Time

One more entry from the syllabus I used in our salvation class Sunday night. We talked about the nature of truth as absolute, authoritative and universal in our discussion about Jesus being the only way of salvation. Again and again, Scripture makes…


I just love to read the Bible. I love to pray with an open Bible. I love to talk about the Scripture with Amy. I love it when the five of us talk about what we have been learning from the Word around the supper table. And I simply cannot describe how…

Hiding in the Basement

I am home but I am not safe. I am hiding in the basement. Upstairs is overrun with Vault guzzling, donut munching middle schoolers. Some of the High School and Middle School kids are having a garage sale here at our house. They are giving all of the …


Sermon this Sunday is on righteous anger from Ephesians 4:26. If we are commanded and expected to be angry about certain things then our anger (in order to be righteous) must replicate or imitate the anger of God in some way. Thinking along this li…

Why One Way?

Be Here Sunday Night. Sunday night we will have two baptisms. Don’t you love being present with the church for baptisms? After that our Firm Foundations classes will meet for their eighth (and final) week. I have been teaching the Doctrinal …

The Dangers of Technology

This comes from Al Mohler’s Blog. He has reviewed a recent report about the the dangers of technology and the decreasing American attention span. These are the closing sentences of his analysis: We are all living distracted lives that promise on…

Men’s Breakfast Saturday

Men – Be here Saturday for the men’s breakfast. Joe Dillon of the Brewers will be speaking. Bring a friend. We made up invitations you can use. Stop by the church today and pick up a few. Please be in prayer for the speaker and all of those who wi…