Mission Priorities

Mission Priorities

Purpose | Values | Priorities | Missionaries

The pattern of New Testament missions’ ministry is the proclamation of the gospel with the view to establishing and strengthening self-propagating local churches. The local church, being trained and equipped, “lets their light shine before men” Matt 5:16 and goes forth in the power of the Holy Spirit as “witnesses in Jerusalem, Judea, Samaria and to the ends of the earth” Acts 1:8. Knowing this work takes time and effort, we believe and are committed to emphasizing specific long term priorities in our missions outreach.

  1. Greater international focus vs. domestic (U.S) – The largest number of unreached peoples and those areas where the gospel is not even known are outside the U.S. Within the international arena, strategic opportunities, particularly within the 10/40 window (between 10° & 40° north latitude), will be emphasized. This is not saying our investment in evangelism within the U.S. is unimportant but rather emphasis will be given to where there are the most unreached.
  2. Emphasize the local national church – All activities that accomplish the planting, developing, strengthening and self-propagating of local churches are how we see effectively reaching more people with the gospel on a world wide basis. In addition, developing stronger relationships with the local indigenous churches can lead to an interdependent relationship that is good for the local church and RBC.
  3. Priorities in mission outreach – It is our vision and desire to be stronger in sharing the gospel through the establishment, growing, strengthening and supporting local congregations and their key leaders. Therefore, we are committed to emphasizing the following specific long term priorities in our missions outreach:- church planting, evangelism, church strengthening, Bible translation
    – supporting the local indigenous church through teaching, training, medical, aviation and other direct service areas to grow the church and allow it to reproduce itself.There are many excellent opportunities of service in the areas of missions. Most are worthwhile and meet a need (humanitarian, discipleship, organizational support, etc.). Yet our primary focus will be in these priority areas.
  4. Making missionaries an extension of the church – A missionary is ultimately accountable to the sending and supporting churches and serves under the authority of the church (Acts 13:3, 14:26-27). Mission agencies have a legitimate and useful role. However, mission agencies should not be seen as a substitute for the church but rather a partner. RBC’s responsibilities to our missionaries include prayer, communication and financial support. However, when we as a church commit to sending and supporting a missionary as an extension of our church, we see our responsibilities also including accountability, shepherding, visiting, and making them well known within the RBC body.
  5. Fewer missionaries but more depth of support – A church can have a greater impact and participation in specific ministries if there are fewer units supported. Of the current 30 missionary family units we support, the support level ranges from $100 to $1,100 per month. This means for many, RBC is a small percentage of their total support and their ability to stay connected with us and all their other supporters is time consuming and most likely ineffective. To fulfill our responsibilities to each missionary while being an important part of their ministry in an excellent way, it can mainly be done with a fewer number of missionary units.

Our prayer is that the blessings and spiritual gifts that God has given to us at RBC will be utilized to evangelize, develop and encourage the body of Christ around the globe through our missions’ ministry.