

Looking forward to retirement

They served ice cream sundaes last night to the Awana kids.

I walked out of prayer meeting in high hopes of acquiring one, but I was too late.

I did, however, receive something even better. It was a conversation with Judy.

I asked her how the night went.

We chatted a little about the Awana program and the kids.

Then I asked her, “How are you doing?”

Her reply was instantaneous.

“I am so excited about my retirement at work. It is coming very soon!”

At this point, I admit, I did not know what was coming next. Several possibilities:

  • Florida, here I come!

  • I really hate my job and I’m so glad to be outta there

  • I will still have some financial needs I am concerned about

However, none of these came out of Judy’s mouth, nor were they anywhere near her heart.

What she said next immediately brought tears of joy to the corners of my eyes.

Here are her words, the best I can remember them.

“I am so excited about my retirement at work. It is coming very soon!

I can hardly wait, because the Lord placed on my heart that as soon as I retire I can devote more time to His work here in the church. I can do more for the Awana program next year. I can help more regularly with our Sunday morning children’s ministry. I know that was His leading and I told Him that when I retire I will gladly devote myself to His service here in His body.”

Heavenly Father, bless Judy and all of her brothers and sisters here at Racine Bible Church. And Lord, as more of our members look toward retirement, direct their steps into the path of Your blessing. You have graciously told us that it is more blessed to give than receive. Give them that indescribable blessing of giving service to your body. Do this so that Jesus Christ will be glorified by His Bride becoming more beautiful for Him. Amen.