Taking Sin Seriously

Taking Sin Seriously

Taking Sin Seriously James 1:13-15

Discussion Questions

  1. The introduction to the sermon laid out some general truths about sin. Did you catch them all? Have you seen them validated in your own experience? Do you have any additional truths to add to the list?
  2. Can you explain the difference between trials and temptations in your own words? Why is this difference important?
  3. Verses 13-15 deal with blame and personal responsibility. What do these verses state about these matters? What false ideas do they refute? What are the personal implications of these things?
  4. Why is it important to have a deep sense of sin’s evil offensiveness?

Prayer Prompts

Thank God for the grace of the gospel.

Ask God to reveal ways that you have taken your own sin too lightly.

Ask God to shine his light on ways you have shifted the blame or made excuses for yourself.

Ask God to help you take your sin seriously. Ask him to reveal 1 or 2 or 3 sins that you need to fight more aggressively.

Thank Jesus for dying so that your sin would be totally forgiven. Ask for strong faith to experience the reality of that forgiveness.

Thank Jesus for rising again and sending his Spirit so that your ongoing sin can be weakened and defeated. Ask for help to walk in the power of the Spirit.