Sunday Starts Now 07/24/20

Sunday Starts Now 07/24/20

Next week we will be sharing our first video in the new series “Sunday Starts Now” along with some new resources to help us as we weekly anticipate worshiping together as the church family. In the meantime, we encourage you to consider three things:
1. Why is it important to prepare for corporate worship?
2. How do you and your family prepare for corporate worship?
3. How can you and your family better prepare for corporate worship?
This Sunday, we have the privilege of celebrating Communion together. As we do, we will sing the following aspects of the cross through the following songs. Click on each of the links and think on the words you will sing with the church before we sing together on Sunday.

1. We need the cross because we are prone to wander.

Click here to watch “Come, Thou Fount of Every Blessing.”


2. We receive fullness of life because Christ died.


3. We continue to sin and need the mercy of God.

Click here to watch “Lord Have Mercy.”


4. We cherish the cross and look forward to sharing in Christ’s glory because of the cross.

Click here to watch “The Old Rugged Cross.”


5. We receive unending mercy because of the cross.

Click here to watch “His Mercy is More.”



REMINDER: We will have our regular worship services at 9:00 AM & 11:00 AM (11:00 being live-streamed) along with a service at 8:15 AM with full social distancing protocols and no congregational singing. Everyone is required to where at mask at the 8:15 AM service. We look forward to seeing you in one of these services on Sunday!